Tiani クロップド ウィンドブレーカー
軽量のクロップド ウィンドブレーカーは防水仕様で、サイドスリット ポケット、通気性のあるメッシュの裏地、フードとウエストの調節可能なドローコードが特徴です。
• 100%ポリエステル
• 通気性のあるメッシュの裏地で静電気を軽減
• 耐水性
• 伸縮性のある袖口
• フードとウエストの調節可能なドローコード
• ハーフジッパー式フロント
View our size guide chart to find your correct size.
• 冷水で洗濯機洗い
• 漂白剤を使用しないでください
• ドライクリーニングしないでください
• アイロン掛け禁止
• タンブラー乾燥はしないでください
I like it because it makes me think of a rainbow. It was crucial to me that it complements the clothes I already own, which it does!!! The fact that it can withstand moisture is also great, as it is raining where I am. The mesh inside is very comfortable. I keep it in my backpack at all times so that I always have it with me in case I need it.
If you like graphic windbreakers, you'll adore this one since it's so well-made, stylish, and comfortable. It's lovely and soft, a perfect combination. The bright colors make me feel like it's spring/summer, even if it's cold and wet outside. I hope they make more styles since I really want another one!!!!
Incredibly cool! My jacket look/ feel awesome!
This jacket is fantastic in every way imaginable. The quality, design, and shape are all perfect, and I couldn't be happier. It's also convenient because it folds up small enough to fit in my work bag. I never leave home without it. Loving it!
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